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End of the Year Evaluation for 2015-2016 Gifted School Year  

HSSD 2015-2016 End of Year Gifted Program Evaluation


Criteria 1:  Curriculum and Instruction Guiding Principle

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that identified students’ individual needs, interests, and learning styles have been determined and that curriculum and instruction have been modified accordingly. 1.3

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that students, parent, and community leaders are involved in the development of the Instructional Management Plan.  2.4

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that school personnel approach parents of individual students suggesting one or more of the options. 3.3

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that students demonstrate continual growth toward mastery of the process skills in the Instructional Management Plan.4.4

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that internships are facilitated at an appropriate age in order to provide career exploration experiences based on the specific needs and interests of gifted students. 5.4

6.      The HSGP shows evidence that the program provides opportunities for students to analyze and appropriately apply components of the visual and performing arts. 6.4


The results for Criterion 1 Curriculum and Instruction were very favorable.  There were only two areas in which the program can improve and that is 1.3 and 3.3.  Both of these areas can be addressed through more communication and outreach from the gifted department with the general education teachers.  Increased staff development sessions as well as overall sharing of data are necessary and should be a goal for the next school year.


Criteria 2:  Program Administration and Management Guiding Principle

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that the gifted education contact person posses a minimum of three years teaching experience in an approved gifted education program. 1.3

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that gifted students receive at a minimum the mandated 240 minutes per week of services in an approved gifted education program.  2.2

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that there is an established means of communication with advocacy groups. 3.2

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that there is evidence of established correspondence with the MDE. 4.2

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that parents of gifted students have regular opportunities to share input and make recommendations about program operations. 5.3

6.      The HSGP shows evidence that the gifted contact person or coordinator makes an annual presentation to the local school board concerning the status of the gifted program. 6.4


The results of Criterion 2 Program Administration and Management show several areas for improvement.  The areas of 2.2 and 4.2 at this time cannot be improved upon.  4.2 is the highest ranking available for that standard and 2.2 can only be improved if the minutes of gifted services are increased.  Our students are serviced during their activity time and the established time allowed for all activity is 50 minutes.  Unless a serious reconstruction of the way in which the gifted services are supplied or an increase in activity time for all students is implemented this area cannot be changed.  The program can increase communication with advocacy groups (3.2) by becoming more involved with the MAGC.


Criteria 3: Program Design Guiding Principle

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that gifted services are available to all intellectually gifted students in grades 2-6.  1.2

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that adequate funds are budgeted to allow for gifted programming that meets the needs of the district gifted students. 2.3

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that  the gifted program is based on an established mission/philosophy statement with goals and objectives that reflect the need for gifted education programming.3.2

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that is grouped together in a resource room in an approved gifted education program. 4.2

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that policies are adapted and added to the nature and operations of the general education program for gifted students. 5.2


Guiding principle 1.2 cannot be improved upon at this time.  It would be necessary for the school district to provide services for gifted students past the 6th grade and we are not equipped at this time to do this.  Guiding principle 3.2 can be improved upon by including the HSGP philosophy and mission statement in the parent packet.  Training was received on grouping this year (4.2) and will be implemented in a greater amount with training for other staff members.  The gifted coordinator should take a more active role in funding decisions concerning the gifted program such as the division of funds for testing vs. funds for supplies (5.2).



Criteria 4:  Program Evaluation Guiding Principles.

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that data collected is analyzed to determine goals and objectives for the following year.  1.3

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that a program evaluation shall be conducted competently, confidentially, and ethically and shall solicit information from all stake holders. 2.3

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that the report is designed to include follow through by all stake holders. 3.4

Guiding Principle 1 shall be improved by the gifted coordinator gaining a masters degree in gifted education.  This will allow for the coordinator to be recognized as an expert in the field and will continue to work to develop best practices in gifted education. (1.3)  In addition to parent, student, and teacher surveys a survey will be sent out to any group or organization that has worked with the gifted program that school year. (2.3) 


Criteria 5:  Socio-Emotional Guidance and Counseling Guiding Principles.

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that gifted students are provided guidance in an effort to meet their unique socio emotional development. 1.2

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that students are provided with career guidance services especially designed for their interests. 2.3

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that gifted at-risk students are provided with targeted differentiated services to help them reach their potential. 3.2

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that gifted students are provided affective curriculum in addition to differentiated guidance counseling services. 4.3

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that underachieving gifted students shall be identified and served rather than omitted. 5.2


In order to address Guiding Principle 1 the gifted coordinator will identify and provide training options that could be available to the school guidance counselor. (1.2), (3.2)   More in-depth career counseling can be made for the 6th grade gifted students based on their interests. (2.3)  The gifted coordinator will prepare staff development trainings for the identification of underachieving gifted students. (5.2)


Criteria6:  Professional Development Guiding Principle.

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that staff development programs and materials are provided for all school staff involved in the education of gifted students. (1.2)

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that teachers and district staff are provided opportunities to attend non district professional development regarding gifted education. (2.2)

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that professional development materials pertaining to gifted education are available in the district and updated on a regular base.( 3.2)

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that training for differentiated curriculum appropriate to the needs of gifted students is available for teachers of the gifted. (4.4)

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that only properly endorsed personnel are involved in the gifted program. (5.3)


In order to improve the professional development criteria other school staff member will be invited to attend professional development provided for the gifted program. (1.2)  The gifted teacher shall attend the annual MAGC conference (2.2) and the procedures for identification as well as gifted resources shall be posted on the gifted instructors school web page. (3.2) 


Criteria 7:  Student Identification and Assessment Guiding Principle.

1.      The HSGP shows evidence that written information about the districts gifted education program is available to all school faculty members and the community at large. (1.2)

2.      The HSGP shows evidence that all students comprise the initial screening pool of potential recipients for gifted education services and universal screening for gifted education services occurs at one grade level. (2.2)

3.      The HSGP shows evidence that written procedures are distributed and the local school board has approved a policy regarding the referral process for the gifted education program. (3.4)

4.      The HSGP shows evidence that information about characteristics of giftedness and gifted programming is available through school libraries, parent centers, and through the gifted classroom. (4.3)

5.      The HSGP shows evidence that information is gathered from multiple sources and used to allow for flexible selection of the most appropriate measures for assessment of each student. (5.3)

6.      The HSGP shows evidence that reliable and valid assessment instruments are used for identifying gifted students and are in compliance with MDE requirements. (6.2)

7.      The HSGP shows evidence that written procedures for student identification include provisions for informed consent, notification, reassessment, and exiting. (7.3)

8.      The HSGP shows evidence that the district has a policy in place for parent appeals. (8.2)

9.      The HSGP shows evidence that student assessment instruments are determined based upon the strengths of the individual student. (9.2)

10.   The HSGP shows evidence that staff development is provided to all personnel involved in the identification and assessment of potentially gifted students. (10.2)


In order to improve student identification and assessment the HSGP will provide professional development training on characteristics of giftedness (1.2).  The district policy for parental appeals shall be made available through the gifted web page as well as through parent information packets (8.2). Further training and professional development for all staff will be made readily available for the identification of gifted students (10.2).


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